Hi! I'm Pat, and
I'm a javascript developer. ๐Ÿ™‚

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My Story

Remember dial-up?

Imagine youโ€™re on a dial-up connection, and you only have electricity for a couple of hours per day.

How would you spend your time online?

Four years ago, my answer was clear: I needed to learn to code.

I was serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Guinea, where my job was to help reduce stock outages of malaria medication. After spending a month visiting dozens of health workers, we had the solution: short message service, or SMS.

The problem? The only thing I knew about SMS was thatโ€™s what Europeans called text messages.

The delight of seeing text after text roll in to our bootstrapped messaging hub only came after many months of reading online documentation; countless hours of debugging; weeks of on-site testing and training in some of the most remote villages in the world.

Iโ€™m so proud of what we accomplished. Nobody was thinking about using SMS to improve health care services at that time. However, we showed it could be done.

Whether itโ€™s building a start-up or writing software, there are new friends to be made along the way. Please get in touch; I'd love to hear your story. ๐Ÿ™‚

Click here to email me

The Team

The Stop Palu team testing our new SMS data collection and alert system in Guinea.

My Projects

A sampling of what I've done for clients and for funzies. ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰

Integrated Student Learning Experience (ISLE)

A webapp to help incoming freshman at Northeastern University to discover their superpowers.

Ember / d3 / Rails / Postgresql / Sass


A platform for students to organize and lead their own classes.

Ember / Rails / Redis / Postgresql / Sass

Wikipedia noW

An autocomplete user interface that queries the Wikipedia public API. I used this study project to learn about RxJS and Observables.

RxJS / Webpack


A study out of Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School to learn how youth make (or often don't) the transition to adult health care services.

Discourse / Docker / Digital Ocean / DNS / Linux

Stop Palu

As part of the U.S. President's Malaria Initiative in Guinea we built an SMS data collection and alert system and trained all stakeholders how to use it.

PHP / MySQL / FrontlineSMS

Looking for a frontend developer?

Look no further!

I built this website using some of the latest and greatest frontend technologies. I also sweat the design details. Check out a some of my recent projects or head over to my GitHub profile to see what I've been coding up lately.

Have any feedback for me about this site?

Want to talk about a position you're hiring for?

Or just feel like saying hi?

Send me an email. ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great